LiveLink™: Empowering Collaborative Tactical Operations
LiveLink™ revolutionizes real-time collaboration and information sharing during tactical operations. With simple links, LiveLink™ enables seamless participation, enhancing situational awareness and decision-making.
Instant Information Sharing​

With LiveLink™, organizations and civilians with no pre-installed application can instantly share live video streams, images, and location data with relevant stakeholders, enabling them to gain real-time insights and make informed decisions.

Cross-Platform Collaboration​​​

LiveLink™ supports integration with various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, ensuring compatibility and accessibility across different operating systems and platforms.​

Secure and Controlled Access​

LiveLink™ provides robust security measures, allowing organizations to control access to sensitive information and ensure that only authorized individuals can join and participate in tactical operations.​


Discover how LiveLink™ can transform your tactical operations by enabling seamless collaboration, real-time information sharing, and accelerated decision-making.

Harness the potential of this cutting-edge solution and unlock new levels of efficiency, effectiveness, and situational awareness in your operations.


Read more about Modirum

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