AAB, in cooperation with PricewaterhouseCoopers Albania (PWC) experts, organized a workshop to discuss the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA”) certification and the application of Common Reporting Standards (“CRS”). The roundtable was attended by 22 representatives of member banks. During the activity , was discussed on:
The importance of applying the FATCA rules and the three-year certification procedures which are carried out for the first time since the law entered into force; and moreover they should be completed by June 30, 2018.
2. The Common Reporting Standards (CRS) and the expected impact on the Financial Institutions.
On June 2, was organized the annual meeting of UGM. The meeting focused on: the Customer Security Program (CSP) update; SWIFT Global Payments Innovation (SWIFTgpi); Compliance Portfolio: Daily Validation Report; Payments Data Quality (FATF16, 2nd Funds Transfer Regulation); KYC Registry; Release 7.2 Rollout and Services; latest Board Papers. The activity was attended by member banks and Bank of Albania’s representatives.
The purpose of the workshop was to highlight the new law procedures from the banks and legal perspective, also specifying the important role of the insolvency administrator. The training was led by the IFC consultants, Prof. Mariana Semini and Prof. Vangjel Kosta and attended by 42 banks’ employees.