Money Week 2021

During the week of 22-28 March 2021, the Bank of Albania (BoA) and the Albanian Association of Banks (AAB), with the support of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MASR), Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ASD) and other partners, organized various activities, in compliance with national COVID-19 health safety regulations, in order to promote efforts aimed at improving financial literacy of young people.

“Take care of yourself, take care of your money” was the official theme of the Money Week 2021. This theme highlights the importance of building financial resilience and staying healthy in the current context.

The Money Week 2021 actively involved more than 500 pupils and students, from more than 130 schools, at all levels.

On 23 March 2021, the Bank of Albania opened the Money Week in an on-line ceremony greeted by Mr. Gent Sejko, Governor of the Bank of Albania; Ms. Evis Kushi, Minister of Education, Sport and Youth, and Mr. Silvio Pedrazzi, Chairman of the Albanian Association of Banks. After the speeches, the event continued with distribution of prizes for winners of the 4 contests, previously launched by BoA and AAB.

The first contest organized within this week was the Best Drawing” contest, with the topic: “Take care of yourself, take care of your money”, addressed to pupils of 5th grade of the country’s elementary schools. This contest was supported by Alpha Bank Albania.

The second contest was the one with photomontages, with the topic: “Take care of yourself, take care of your money”, which was addressed to pupils of 8 & 9th grade of elementary schools. The contest was supported by FIBank Albania.

The third contest was the one for the best video. High school pupils were invited to convey their original messages about the topic: “Take care of yourself, take care of your money”. The contest was supported by Tirana Bank.

The fourth contest on the best Facebook post on: “Covid-19 impact on the economy and management of personal finances during pandemics”, addressed to students of Economics and Finance-Banking faculties, was supported by OTP Bank Albania.

The Albanian Finals of the European Money Quiz 2021

On 25 March 2021, the Albanian Association of Banks (AAB), in cooperation with the Bank of Albania and the support of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth and the Deposit Insurance Agency (ASD), organized for the third time the European Money Quiz, with participation of 360 pupils of 13-15 age, from all over Albania.  This year the competition on financial education was conducted online and participants competed as a team via the Kahoot! platform in a livestream event on AAB’s YouTube channel.

This competition has become an annual tradition and aims at improving financial knowledge among children and youth.

The winning team is from “Sotir Gurra” school in Korça and is comprised of: Pandush Kosta and Anastasia Myftarlli. This winning team will represent Albania for the third time in the finals of the European Money Quiz, which will take place online, on 20 April 2021

Meeting with students

On 25 March 2021, Dr. Spiro Brumbulli, Secretary General of the Albanian Banking Association (AAB), held an online meeting & lecture with students of the Department of Economics & Finance, at the European University of Tirana (UET). The focus was on financial inclusion & education, and commercial banks.

Open Lecture

AAB, on 26 March 2021, in cooperation with the European University of Tirana (UET) organized an open lecture with students of the the Department of Economics & Finance. During this lecture, delivered by Ms. Ediola Biçaku, Head of Internal Audit Department at Intesa Sanpaolo Bank – Albania, students were introduced to the role and functions of internal audit in the banking sector.

Thank you to everyone who participated and supported the realization of the activities!