About the conference

The conference will be organized by the AAB on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. This event will aim to ensure the participation of reputable international institutions and national policymakers and financial institutions to discuss recent developments on a broad array of topics on sustainable development. In the framework of the awareness of society and banking industries for a sustainable development at the conference, are invited and members of the regional banking associations are invited to participate.

The first session of the conference features keynote speeches /presentations.
The second session of the conference has presentations of banking associations, discussant comments and general discussion on the pre-defined topics.


About the conference

The conference will be organized by the Albanian Association of Banks. It will ensure the participation of actors with direct, hands-on experience and will therefore make a contribution to fostering dialogue between industry and policy-makers to understand the challenges that Albanian banking and financial system faces towards further development and economic growth.

While credit growth in Albania remains weak, on account of both subdued credit demand and tight credit supply its all parties mission to improve the credit environment and reviving credit growth in the future. Concretely, a successful outcome can only reflect determined action from all the stakeholders. The high representative’s contribution and international and local expertise, part of our sessions, will bring an added value to the activity.


Në datë 25 maj 2016, u zhvillua konferenca me temë “Bankingu dixhital në Shqipëri” në ambientet e hotel “Tirana International”, organizuar nga Shoqata Shqiptare e Bankave në bashkëpunim me Bankën e Shqipërisë dhe Komitetin Kombëtar të Sistemit të Pagesave. Qëllimi i organizimit të kësaj konference është promovimi i teknologjive të reja që sektori bankar përdor në ofrimin e shërbimeve dhe produkteve bankare për qytetarët shqiptarë. Ky sektor i kushton një rëndësi të veçantë inovacionit në fushën e teknologjisë, ndaj dhe mbetet pararojë në adoptimin dhe implementimin e risive në këtë fushë, si një mundësi më shumë për rritjen e cilësisë së shërbimit ndaj klientit.